Sunday, March 09, 2008

Happy Adoption Day

It is so hard for me to believe that it has been three years since Elise officially joined our family! WOW, time does fly! The waiting and turmoil to get to her is a distant memory to us all now. Everyone said that when you finally get her, it all fades away and they were so very right.
Elise is a beautiful and bright child. She goes through her life with a zeal and zest that makes everyone around her smile. I am so grateful that God put her in our lives. What a blessing and gift she truly is.

The day passed by rather uneventful. Our area was hit with a minor blizzard yesterday, so we've been a little housebound. Most of the problem is my aching back...I feeling pretty icky with pain. I'm praying that it subsides a little. But it's been hanging with me for over a week now. And I'm getting rather grumpy with the lack of sleep.
I plan on doing something very special with the girls next week. I think a trip to Build a Bear is definitely a must to celebrate a few things. It should be interesting.

First photo of Elise on 1/6/05

Elise, you are such a delight. Everyday, I thank God for the Red Thread that connected us and brought us together. Thank you for loving me back!
Happy Adoption Day, Elise Christine Feng Wells!

Elise~February 2008

1 comment:

Sonya said...


Kim, I hope you feel all better soon!


PS what a beautiful pic!!!