Last week was
VBS for Elise! She LOVED the music so I had to buy the CD and DVD for at home. This is a video of her dancing to "He's Got the Power!". She doesn't stop moving the entire time the music is playing. It's a great "wear-her-out-before-a-nap" activity. Too funny!
Unfortunately, there is a little bit of "Michael Jackson" imitating going on~but what's a mom to do??? I can't stop the video for everything!
So very cute!
Your girls are so cute and now I want that DVD! I was especially impressed with Amelia getting up and dancing! Elise is a bundle of energy! (loved her outfit too)
Kim!! Elise and Emma would really get on great!! It's so good to see little Amelia out there with her sister and daddy dancing!! :) When you come home, no more excuses...we are getting together!!!
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