Monday, June 30, 2008


I've spent the several days attempting to capture video from my camcorder to my computer. Needless to's been a futile exercise since I did not have the drivers for my camcorder. Naturally, I attempted to go online and download said drivers. But I couldn't find them to save my life. Next JVC and ask where I can download the drivers. JVC tells me that the drivers for my particular camcorder are not available online, but I can buy the CD for a mere $29.98 plus tax and shipping. "Are you kidding me???", I squealed into the phone. "You are going to charge me for something that came with my camera, that in all my craziness of trying to hold a house together with four kids, I can't locate it?" Imagine these words in a high-pitched, pig-like squeal. Because that's what I sounded like. Then the poor guy on the other end of the lines just answers, "Yes!" BRILLIANT!!!!

Of course, I had to be stubborn and NOT order the CD at that time. I attempted to use the ILO that I have, but that wasn't working properly either. So I broke down (one day later) and ordered the stinkin' CD. It killed me, but I was desperate to get some video off that camcorder to post to my blog.

Here's the coveted video: It's of the girls playing hopscotch with some other shenanigans going on with Gu-Gu Tucker. Little Miss Amelia was doing her best to keep up with her Jei Jei! It really was one of those special "Summer-Time" moments.

This is turning into such a great summer! I can't remember when I've enjoyed myself more...and we haven't even gone on vacation yet!!!!

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